hirosugiyama作品集『Drawing Leads to Another Dimension 1995-2020』
仕事で雑誌で発表したもの、広告などのポスターのために描いたもの、展覧会で発表するために描いたもの。そして一番多いのは仕事でもなく、個展の為でもなく毎日描き続けてきた絵です。僕にとって絵を描くというのは、この25年間ずーっと僕の人生の中心にあるものでした。それらの絵をなるべく沢山の方に見ていただきたいと思い、作品集という形を選びました。Hiro Sugiyama
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Drawing Leads to Another Dimension 1995-2020", a collection of hirosugiyama's works
In the 25 years between 1995 and 2020, I have painted about 2000 pictures.
Some were published in magazines for work, some were for posters for advertisements, etc., and some were for exhibitions. And the largest number of paintings are the ones that I have continued to draw every day, not for work, not for exhibitions. For me, painting has been at the center of my life for the past 25 years. I wanted to show these paintings to as many people as possible, so I chose the form of a book of my works.
To be released on December 1, 2020.
Size 310 x 235 x 40 mm
Weight 2.4kg
384 pages, hardcover
ISBN: 2510000179470